Thursday, July 4, 2019


As many of you know, today is Independence Day in the United States. I find it hard to feel patriotic when the person occupying the White House is a complete idiot. I could add about twenty adjectives to that, but I'm assuming that you know what they would be. The fucker is a crazy racist with the vocabulary and temperament of a junior high school student. (Note to Trump supporters, if there are any that come here: I'd rather you didn't. There is no common ground. See Special AKA's "Racist Friend".)

People from Latin America are coming to the U.S. simply looking for a better life, many trying to escape life threatening situations. Not at all that different from why our founding fathers came here in the first place. The way the government is handling the situation is obscene. Separating families, housing people in cages and children in unsafe overcrowded conditions after they've already been traumatized by being separated from their parents. Little kids, not just teenagers. You think that won't leave scars? Welcome to America. Fuck Donald Trump.

Leaving the beach today there were all sorts of people with those pop-up shades, grills going all over the place, just tons of people. I stopped by a grassy area to have a smoke and while standing there heard some Mexican Norteño music. After listening for a few minutes it occured to me that as much as I like Norteño I can only name a handful of bands. So I went over to the group to ask who it was they were playing. It was Los Cadetes de Linares. At first they thought I was asking them to turn it off, but I told them that, no, I liked it and wanted to know so I could buy some of the music for myself. That's when they became very welcoming, offering beer and carne asada and asked if I wanted to sit down with them. I politely declined and told them that I was on my way home. They told me that Los Cadetes de Linares was their oldies, it reminded them of their youth, and just as I was leaving, we had a conversation about the border situation and how fucked up Trump is. So, today I consider it my patriotic duty to post the music of Los Cadetes de Linares for people from another country that welcomed me. You know, how it's supposed to be here.

Los Cadetes de Linares - El Tejanito mp3 at News Taco
Los Cadetes de Linares - Regalo Caro mp3
at Tumblr
Los Cadetes de Linares - Pueblito mp3
at Tumblr


EG-Markus said...

I'm rather disappointed you feel that way since we've had some nice conversations in the past, but if you'd rather I not patronize your blog then I'll remove you from my favorites. I'm not a Trump supporter tho. I agree he's all that & more. My beef is with open borders. You see I went to the time & expense & paperwork & filing & waiting to bring my wife into the country legally. And I continue to pay a fee when we renew her green card. So in the interest of fair play I don't like to see someone else just waltz & make me look like an idiot for doing it right. My wife came here for the same reason they do; only again she did it legally. There's a principle at work here, only I don't suppose that sort of thing interests you. Next time you stand in line for a movie or wait for your reservation at a restaurant you'll have no problem if someone cuts ahead of you. Anyway, bye. It was fun while it lasted & I'll miss downloading your fine music.

Tom G. said...

Dude, did I say how I thought immigration should be handled? I was pointing out that it is being handled heartlessly and in a racist manner. If you have problem with that, it's been swell.

plasticsun said...

Send him on his way. He seems to completely misunderstand what's happening at the border: these people ARE trying to do things legally. They are willing to "wait their turn" - to use the the restaurant analogy, it's as if the people waiting for a table are required to climb into cells in the sewer below, after having their children taken away.