Monday, October 17, 2022


Okay, it's crowd sourcing night, though the meager traffic that stops by here could hardly be called a "crowd". That said, I have every bit of faith one of you eggheads will have the answer. Here's the set up: I just finished reading Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, a book I should have read in high school but don't remember ever reading. It's good book that, like science fiction often does, foretold of stuff that actually happened years later. TV screens that take up entire walls, bullet-shaped objects that fit in your ear in which you can communicate wirelessly with someone elsewhere and the big one: persecution of intellectuals. This was the future as imagined in 1953 (actually begun at the tail end of the forties). I figured that, like most literary classics, there had to have been a film made. Turns out there were at least two, a recent version for HBO (2018) and another 1966 film directed by François Truffaut. After viewing the trailer for the recent version, I thought I'd check the trailer for Truffaut's version. It looked way cooler. A minute into it, I was totally distracted by the soundtrack, in a good way. The background music was badass. I looked for the soundtrack info and, sonofabitch, the soundtrack for the film was done by Bernard Herrmann. Herrman did a mess of soundtracks, notably for nine Alfred Hitchcock films. I went to YouTube to look for the soundtrack and found a couple songs, neither of which sounded anything like the music in the trailer. That didn't surprise me because Herrmann's soundtracks are usually symphonic and the music in the trailer definitely wasn't. It almost sounds like Neu!, actually it sounds quite a bit like Neu!, but their first LP didn't come out until 1972. It also sounds like the Velvet Underground jamming on Eno's "King's Lead Hat", but that's just getting stupid.. Those may not be accurate descriptions but listen to it and you tell me what or who it is. I doubt seriously that it's Herrmann.

Unknown - Badass music in Fahrenheit 451 trailer
at YouTube Turn it up, the music builds and the dialog drops out after about a minute or two. Worth the wait.

Neu! - Hallogallo
(streaming) at YouTube Let it roll for about a minute and you'll hear the similarity.


Bob said...

Definitely not Herrmann, got to be Neu! As far as I can remember the OST is all strings and glockenspiel.

Tom G. said...


Thanks for piping in. I was thinking it was Neu! but that Neu! song came out about five years after the movie and it's from their first album. The only thing I can think of is that the trailer was made a few years after the films release. But, if that was the case, why would they wait?