Thursday, April 7, 2022


This is really good. It's like watching a home movie except that it has good sound, better picture quality and happens to be of the Beatles in 1966. It's the editing that's home movie like but that's because it's pulled from several sources. Everything is well synched. The description at YouTube is in French, so here's a rough translation (via Google Translate).:

"Montage with various archives of this double show... The shows took place at 5:15 pm and 9 pm. The second broadcast was filmed by the German television channel Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) and followed a brief afternoon rehearsal scheduled for the cameras. The footage was shown under the title Die Beatles on the second channel on Tuesday, July 5 from 8pm to 8.45pm."

Dig it, its raw but the performance is great, and in 1966 they really were on top of their game.

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