Thursday, November 9, 2023


You wouldn't know it from looking at them but after years of listening to the Budos Band, I can't help but associate them with the beach, the walk home after a swim during Santa Ana weather conditions (warm and dry, offshore winds). Something to do with when I first started listening to them, they were on heavy rotation at home that year the water and weather stayed nice well into November. They don't look very beach-y, particularly in the video below. The funny thing is, now twenty years in, they look like half the people in my neighborhood (which is the beach). In other words, they look a little scroungy. Their sound has gotten harder as well. I wasn't crazy about the more in-your-face sound a few years ago but after seeing the video below, I'm re-thinking that. The video is great. Filmed this past August. There's a handful of their early stuff down there too so you can see what a couple decades of evolving does.

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