Saturday, May 25, 2024


In a book I'm currently reading, it mentioned Head, the 1968 film that starred the Monkees. The book described the film as "A whoopee cushion that belched pot smoke." It's that and more. Besides the Monkees, the film also had Annette Funicello, Frank Zappa, Carol Doda, Sonny Liston, Victor Mature and uncredited cameos by Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson. If that sounds like a surreal cast, you're starting to get the idea.

It's worth a viewing if for no other reason than to see a disjointed stoner flick written in a weekend long pot party by Bob Rafelson and Jack Nicholson. Case in point: While writing the script, one of them brings up the ridiculous idea of having the Monkees come flying out of Victor Mature's hair. Later, when they came back to earth, they realized that the idea would require Victor Mature's participation. (He signed on.) That's just one short weird scene. Expand that to a feature length full of short weird scenes and you have an idea of what it's like to spend a weekend getting stoned with Bob Rafelson and Jack Nicholson. (Note: If you're a regular here you know, it's been posted before. But, shit, it's been three years. What did you post today?)


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